Teatre romà de Pol·lèntia

“Aquí la multitud rigué i plorà a l’ombra de gran tela purpurina, oberta al vent de l’horitzó llunyà...”

Project Info

Client Miquel Costa i Llobera
Skills Poesies, 1885

Project Description

“Look: this collection of stones, a nest of death,
This seating, where, alone,
Only a defeated memory comes to sit,

Once they were a theatre and a stage
Where the colony under Roman power
Brought together a disparate and murmuring people.

Here the masses laughed and cried
In the shade of the great and glittering drape,
Open to the wind from the distant horizon,

Whilst the sun and blue of the sea
Watched as your gentile fables
Lazily faded away, my Latin Muse.”