Plaça dels Seglars

“Amunt ànima forta! Traspassa la boirada i arrela dins l’altura com l’arbre dels penyals...”

Project Info

Client Miquel Costa i Llobera
Skills Poesies, 1885

Project Description

“My heart loves a tree! Older than the olive
More powerful than the oak, greener than the orange tree,
It keeps in its leaves spring eternally
And fights against the gusts that beat the coast,
And tire the trodden earth.
Flowers of love do not peek between its leaves;
Its shadows do not go to the fountain to kiss;
But God anointed its sacred head with a scent
And as ground He gave it the rough mountains,
And as a fountain, the immense sea.
Onwards, be strong! Get through the mists
And lay roots in the heights, like the cliff-top tree.
You will see the sea of the ireful world fall at your feet,
And your gentle songs will carry on the wind
Like birds in a storm.”