Passeig – Platja de Sa Macada

“Aquest heroi desconegut ha transformat Mallorca –un niu de fam i misèria– en un paradís terrenal...”

Project Info

Client Rafel Ginard
Skills Visió de sa Colònia, 1964 A Croquis Artanencs

Project Description

“Captivated in contemplating the esplanade of Sa Colònia and the mountains of S’Ermita, I make a discovery: here there is a summary of fine art. Painting and drawing: the colours of the thicket and the fields, the crests of the ploughed land and the lines of the vines. Architecture and sculpture: border, huts, and the majestic mountains; Ses Beques, half-finished statues. Music: the trickling springs, the murmuring of bells, the whistling of the breeze. Dance: the coming and going of the waves, pines and the French tamarisks. And, furthermore, as if that were not enough, these places carry the prestigious names of History, Prehistory, and Legend: caves and monoliths, the Moors’ surrender towards the spring at Sa Jonquera, King Jaume II hunting at Sa Devesa, tales of thieves and smugglers. “