Sa Coma

“La negror d’un nigul volander, esvorellat de lluentors, tapava la lluna. El quantrabandista començà a trescar la costa...”

Project Info

Client Salvador Galmés
Skills Negrures, 1908

Project Description

“The smuggler reached the shore. The waves pounded the rocks, soaking them in their salty spittle. The weather was the same. Only slightly above the horizon, the blackness of a floating cloud, devoid of light, covered the moon, so that below it handfuls of disparate rays could escape, like a great and shining palm. In the distance it looked like dusk; far way, the sea reflected the moon’s light, like the reflection from a school of anchovies.
The smuggler, after having fruitlessly laboured at untying a boat, began to follow the coast: firstly to west, then to the east. He walked with care, nervously, obsessively. Seeing no trace, he sat on a flat rock, took off his hat and secured it with a stone, took out a box of small cigars and lit one.”