Casal Pere Capellà

“I vull que sia ma llança el llamp que en tots els combats, il·lumini l’esperança de tots els desesperats...”

Project Info

Client Pere Capellà
Skills Gloses den Mingo Revulgo Val més un dit en es front, de Pere Capellà – Mingo Revulgo

Project Description

“I want to be captain
Of the disinherited of the world
And go everywhere
With the starving… I don’t mind where.
Waking with my cries,
Trembling in the night dew,
All who are asleep,
Happy and with their bellies full.
And I want my lance
To be lightening which in all my fights
Will illuminate the hope
Of all those without hope.
And never stopping my fight,
Searching for wings to carry me,
I want to die,
Without kneeling, looking at the sun.”